Officers and duties. Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers will comprise the organization’s Executive Committee. (All officers shall serve for a two-year term.)
The duties of the President shall be;
To preside over all meetings of the organization, the executive committee and any special organization meetings;
The duties of the Vice President shall be;
Attend all meetings of the organization, the executive committee and any special organization meetings; Perform the president’s duties during his/her absence or inability to serve; Assist the president in any way possible and perform all duties normally applicable to the office as prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.
The duties of the Secretary/Communications Manager shall be;
Attend all meetings of the organization, the executive committee and any special organization meetings. Record and preserve the minutes; To handle all correspondence and social media postings and mailings and perform all other duties normally applicable to the office as prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be;
Attend all meetings of the organization, the executive committee and any special meetings; Receive dues from the members and forward dues to the county, area and state by the due date each year; Pay monies as directed by the President;
Keep accurate records of funds and give reports as required; and To perform all other duties normally applicable to the office as prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.